abigailBROWN by Abigail Brown
Abigail Brown, London, UK Brand: abigailBROWN Shop: abigail-brown.co.uk Magma books, London/UK, Family Tree, London/UK, Frank, Kent/UK, Castor and Pollux, Brighton/UK. |
Abigail's work is incredible. I had such a hard time editing it down to a couple of pics, so I decided not to! I was already in awe of the work posted on her site, but when she emailed over these additional shots ... I'm speechless, so I'll just let the images speak for themselves!
Just when I thought I've seen enough birds...
1. What do you call yourself? (e.g., Independent designer, crafter, maker, artist) Hmm... I guess artist/maker predominantly, but I'm also a freelance designer in various fields.
2. What inspires you? How do you get past crafter's block? EVERYTHING!! I'm constantly keeping my eyes open whenever I am, collecting all kinds of visual delights that fill my working space...that and trawling the internet, it's impossible to be blocked for too long!

3. What tool(s) can't you live without? Sewing machine...but I do love a good tool to scribble with.
4. Who is your idol, current craft-crush? I'm fascinated with Anne Wilson at the moment after seeing her work on display in the 'Out of the Ordinary' exhibiton currently at the V&A, London. Her animations with lace and pins have me all inspired to make some of my own with my creatures!
5. How long have you been doing this? I've been cutting and sewing bits of fabric since I was very very little. My Grandmother was a Seamstress and I spent days on end surrounded by her Singer, scraps of fabric, pins, needles and thread. It was sort of bred into me!

6. Where did you learn your craft? As above, I think I just absorbed what she was doing, I don't think she specifically taught me anything, I've just cobbled my way through with it all over the years!
7. Do you do this full-time? If not, what pays the bills? I'm in the process of cutting down on other things to give my craft work more time, but at the moment the design work is the big chunk of bill paying money.

8. How would you describe your style? It's childish in some ways I guess, it has child appeal, although it's not always intended for children. There's a lot of illustration involved and storytelling, and a fusion of many things...difficult to say!
i love these, they are delightful...and i really love your header image so cute and clever:)
hi jo, thank you! Abbie's work is incredible - I love every single piece and can't wait until she updates her shop with more goodies!
Hi there!
Just found your blog via Perfectbound and it is so lovely! I am a huge fan of Abigail Brown's, I just recently purchased one of her little matchbox "tweeters". It is the sweetest most gorgeous little thing, expertly made and makes me smile everytime I see it. Thank you for doing a feature on her and I am a new fan of your blog!
hi Melissa! You're so lucky - Abigail is the best, I love it all! Thanks for stopping by and I'm glad you're enjoying the new site!
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