Anna Laura
Anna Laura, Melbourne, Australia Site: Blogs: + Flickr + myspace Shop: + DaWanda |
I have to admit that it was Anna's lovely badge ladies that first caught my eye, but as I started working on her feature I soon discovered her geniosity extends further into her more traditional art work and collages...

1. How would you describe your style?
Eclectic. I have a lot of different styles happening. I like being able to do different things and mix it up a bit. I completed a BFA in Painting and Drawing, so I have fine art training, but I love to do stuff which is design based as well. Then there are the badge ladies with a different style to them also. They all link together and I think the different styles work with one another but finding words to describe them all is hard.
Sometimes when you look at other designer’s work you get overwhelmed by what is out there and wonder if your own stuff is good enough. I find it helps to work on something that you know how to do well and is a bit automatic. That way you feel like you’re accomplishing something so you don’t feel worse about not working.
2. What inspires you? How do you get past crafter's block?
When I get it I know, I often feel sick as well, so it should be an illness diagnosed by a doctor. Taking a break is a good start. Sometimes when you look at other designer’s work you get overwhelmed by what is out there and wonder if your own stuff is good enough. I find it helps to work on something that you know how to do well and is a bit automatic. That way you feel like you’re accomplishing something so you don’t feel worse about not working. Watching some television, a nice pot of tea and some badge ladies to stitch up always makes me feel better.

3. What tool(s) can't you live without?
Needles, thread, sharp scissors, sewing machine, silkscreen, ink, small squeegee, computer, Photoshop. Just to name a few things. The list goes on and on.

Just keep doing what you’re doing. Keep posting blogs, updating your websites like flickr and myspace. Get in contact with other people, go out and meet them and email them and make friends and talk shop to people. Make things well, make different things and get creative and buy from other people to help keep the creative marketplace going. Buy handmade gifts for people and tell people about what you do so they know and understand that there is a marketplace out there making beautiful products.
5. Can you share any of your favorite sources for supplies?
I love going to the opshop (thrift stores) because it is an unknown, you don’t know what you will find and it could be the best thing ever, or you could come home with nothing. They are my favourite.

6. One of the hardest things for artists to do is to stand apart from everyone else. How long did it take you to come up with your own style and signature look? What advice can you give aspiring artists struggling to find their own voice and look?
I think everyone has their own look when they start, although aspects might be similar to other designers they still have something about them that sets them apart. I think my style has developed a lot since I have been working in 2006. When I first started I had been pretty dormant with my creativity, so the things I produced were maybe a little more basic and it has developed over time.

8. What can we expect to see from you in the future?
More artworks. I really want to expand that part of what I do and have an exhibition. I’ve got some ideas for some larger artworks I want to try involving screen-printing and painting, but not in the conventional way. Lots of experimenting is what keeps me happy.
Thanks Anna!!
Fantastic, as always!
Thank you Erin!
Tom Paris was totally hotter.
Anna is so good!
arielle & kirsty
arielle: hmmm that's a tough call :)
kirsty: thanks for stopping by and saying hello. and YES Anna is definitely so good!
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