Hanna Melin
Hanna Melin, London, UK Website: hannamelin.com Shop: allthingsoriginal.com |
I first spotted Hanna's work while browsing around allthingsoriginal.com. I instantly emailed her, crossed my fingers and hoped that she would agree to do an interview...

My style is often being described as "naive" , which I think I can agree with. I like to call it "naive humor". I am from Sweden, and I think that sometimes comes out in my images, pure and isolated but with a heart.

Just Jack, an English "pop star" video. My drawings where mixed with live photage to make this video. My drawings became animated, which was a first, so very exciting. Loved to see them being handled by some one else, to see how he saw them and made them work with the surrounding.
>> click here to continue reading Hanna's interview

Hotel Intercontinental. My handwriting was made into the sign for the hotels cafe. menus, pens, pads, boards etc were made. It was put on the window and made into a plaque for the cafe door. It excites me every time I go pass it on a bus in Marble Arch.

3. I know that you've been part of a handful of exhibitions including the Hidden Art show and your work has been featured in a number of galleries. What advice could you give aspiring artists on the best way to get noticed and invited to be part of a gallery exhibition?
I think first make a good series of work. A series is always better than one image, and then just send it out. maybe go around and look at galleries that have similar style as you and try them first.

I think I still haven't made that decision. Its a scary business.
5. One of the hardest things for artists to do is to stand apart from everyone else. How long did it take you to come up with your own style and signature look? What advice can you give aspiring artists struggling to find their own voice and look?
I have actually tried to do art without my style, and I cant. it just creeps in to it. so I suppose my style is me and I cant get rid off it. It hard because sometimes my style isn't "commercial" enough for advertising etc, so I had to find an alternative way. You have to wait for the right project to come you way, and spread the style the best you can.
6. Who is your idol/current artist-crush? hella jongerious
7. Can you share with us a couple of blogs that you've recently discovered and love? decor8

I'd like to do more animation. I am also working on more ceramics, which I love.
Thanks Hanna!
This interview was a great read, it's so nice to know you better.
Thank you so much for mentioning decor8!
Hi Holly, I'm glad you enjoyed the interview - it was lots of fun putting it together!
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