Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Shop + Tell: Emma Kidd

Who: Emma Kidd of ben conservo, a wonderful artist who can do wonders with a moleskine notebook!!
How often do you indie-shop?
I buy indie/handmade products for all my presents, but I usually buy one item a month for me, such as a print that takes my fancy, as I am a collector.
Scores...2 Gocco prints by Amanda Blake.
How does it make you feel?
Intrigued, inspired, familiar, calm and waiting.
What made you buy it?
I bought this product because they are beautiful pieces all on their own. I have an urge to buy other pieces of hers, but I am being reasonable.

Thanks Emma!!

Are you an avid handmade shopper and recently bought something that you're absolutely in love with? Share it and help spread the love for handmade on Shop+Tell! Email me at hearthandmade[at]gmail[dot]com w/ subject Shop+Tell.


Melissa de la Fuente said...

wonderful drawings...