Making It!: Week 4

We live in a paperless world, and both etsy and paypal offer great tools that help you manage an online business simply and easily. Although, as things are progressing, I'm finding myself in need of an organizational tool that reflects all the details of a transaction processed through etsy and paypal. Where I can easily reference the total fee (listing + transaction) from etsy and paypal, with shipping cost, material list and cost and also some buyer contact info... more

Sharing my best flea market find ever and i could use some help, so I have a question for you. Last weekend I visited an amazing local flea market and found this pretty lady... more

My 9-5 is erupting in my face. I am a high school English teacher. Some would say that I'm crazy for having chosen this profession, but I never believed that until now... more

Today I want to share my favorite artists and their ghost art (to me they are ghosts anyway). I am working on some of my own, but I had no time to implement them in this blog entry. I hope to post some pictures of them tomorrow. Here are the ones that inspire me infinitely... more
Meet Dana, Tina, Kristina and Ismoyo.
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