Making It! Week 5

I have this terrible habit, I'm supposed to be ruling the world making pillows & I end up on you tube recreating Radiohead's set list from Glastonbury 2003. It's a very vicious circle & you tube seems to win every time... more

It looks like I'm finding my groove again illustration wise. Spending time on a couple small custom design projects, freestyle pattern designing and long overdue promised illustrations brought some exciting new ideas... more

someone pinch me!!!
I'm so excited!! i just got a really sweet note from amy at adornbyamysingley . She told me that she just put one of my bags in a treasury!!! I'm doing cartwheels, and jumping all around if you can't I've been wanting to make a list myself for a while now since there are so many cool things on etsy, but never in a million years have I dreamed that I would be in one... more

I went to go see a tax adviser today, and I feel like I'm in over my head. I can barely keep my daily agenda straight let alone an entire system of bookkeeping... more
Meet Susan, Tina, Kristina and Ismoyo.
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