Making It! Week 10

December 9th is the official release date of my first craft book "100 applique motifs". I am very chuffed about it. How amazing would it be to walk into the bookstore and see my work there? I know there are a lot of talented crafters out there who would like to share their skills and have their creations published. Today I'm here to answer questions... more

It's always around this time that I really start feeling the holidays. I'm constantly scoping out gifts for my loved ones (and, embarrassingly, some for myself), hunting for the perfect ornaments to deck out my [fake] tree (I know... sacrilege), and planning visits with family...more

I had a moment of truth this afternoon while standing in line buying "the tales of beedle the bard". I'm in my 30s still shop at urban outfitters & have a subscription to Teen Vogue is this right?... more

i made this list 2 weeks ago, and i've been slowly progressing through it. 1. finish cool scarves (done and sold them to friends, they didn't even make it to etsy!)... more
Meet Susan, Tina, Kristina and Ismoyo.
Hi Marichelle,
Sorry about the spam thing... I'm a potter who draws weird cartoons on wheel-thrown porcelain pots. I think my work would be a nice addition to your site. Here's where you can find me:
A lot of my work features the life and times of Wally the Wonderdog. His latest adventure is a position in the Obama cabinet.... check it out!
best regards,
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