Thursday, January 8, 2009

I have a crush on...

Morgan Kendall.
I'm guessing that most of you are already familiar with her work and you're all screaming duh!!! at your screens. Nevertheless, I'd like to own up to my oblivious-tendencies and profess my current stalker-like behavior of checking out her shop, blog and flickr gallery

I just love her work... the way she layers all the different pieces together. I bet she'd put together a kick-ass TOAST catalog! Sigh.


Melissa de la Fuente said...

Wow....these are stunning. Good call my dear, good call! Toast? Are you listening? :)
ps and I, for one, did NOT know about her until just now. So, thank you!

mkendall said...

You are so sweet! Thanks again for the feature. I love your blog.

Julie said...

Oh be still my heart. These are lovely!

Marichelle said...

Melis: oh good, you made me feel so much better!

Morgan: love your stuff and will definitely be adding your stuff to my personal wishlist! Can't wait to see it in person.

Julie: I'm so glad you think so too! Oh, I'm stil waiting for you on Twitter!

Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk said...

Thank you for reminding me about this lovely artist and introducing me to her blog...just stunning! Hope you're having a great weekend!