Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pink Shock

1. Honeycreeper by Yumi Yumi
2. Set of 12 Cartlettes by SusyJack*
3. central pup by wonting
4. Possibilities original watercolor painting by karenfaulknerart
5. Greyhound Organic Pillow by Humble


Cindy said...

pink never looked so cool!

Marichelle said...

thanks Cindy!

lolasmom said...

great collection! i love how the pinks are paired with less-than-usual colors!

tara - handmadeinpa.net

Karen Faulkner said...

It looks great! Thanks for including my "Possibilities" watercolor. Love Yumi Yumi's piece!

Jodie / Lova Revolutionary said...

What a beautiful selection! I love pink!