Rebecca Artemisa Urias
How many different tales can you make up for each of these intriguing pieces by Rebecca Artemisa Urias?
I think that's what I love most about Rebecca's work, it's more than just a moment captured - the longer you look at them, the more the story develops in your mind. She also has the ability to incorporate a rainbow of strong beautiful vibrant colors but still achieves a quiet and intimate sense about her work. Definitely someone to bookmark!
Rebecca also photographs groupings of little treasures, I love the mood that each one evokes. Would you agree that her photographs have the same quiet yet powerful sensibility as her traditional art work? Like 3-D versions of her work. Visit her flickr stream for more inspirational photographs and more samples of her work.
Images: Rebecca Artemisa Urias
Oh...I am in love with that first print so much..... gorgeous work. Off to check it all out!
Her work is so moving, I can't take my eyes off the first piece you showed...with the birds as her!
wow, i love the folk art quality of the illustrations. thanks for sharing!
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